Is your business ready for its next business step?

Find out how you accelerate through Scale Up: how you enter the business accelerator and how you are assessed.

If your business is ready to Scale Up, email us at

Are you ready to Scale Up?

Scale Up is for businesses at an advanced technology readiness level. They must have already developed their product and it should have scalability potential.

Your product

It must already be released in the market or about to be released.

We are interested in businesses at an advanced technology readiness level (TRL 7-9):

  • System prototype demonstration in operational environment (TRL 7).
  • System complete and qualified (TRL 8).
  • Actual system proven in operational environment (TRL 9).

Your market

How big is the market you operate in?

Is there any chance of your operations expanding in Greece or abroad?

Eligible sectors

We focus on companies that carry out research activities in sectors such as:

  • FinTech
  • Artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual/augmented reality
  • Software, IT, cybersecurity
  • Biotechnology
  • Agricultural technology
  • Environmental technology, energy
  • Education

However, we do review every good and viable idea. The Scale Up business accelerator is open to all sectors.

Express your interest

Scale up is open all year round. You can express your interest at any time. Provided you fulfil the conditions, we invite you to submit your application for Scale Up.

Email us

If your business is ready to Scale Up or you need more information about the platform, email us at

Invitation to Scale Up

Provided your business meets the platform specifications, we invite you to apply to Scale Up.

We then contact you. We explain in detail how to submit your application for the egg – enter grow go Scale Up and what the next steps are.

Online application for Scale Up

To fill in and submit your online application for Scale Up:

Once we receive them, we’ll contact you right away to explain the next steps.

Company assessment

We rate the excellence of the product and the momentum of the business that wishes to Scale Up. The candidates that stand out pitch their idea on the egg Acceleration pitching day.

3 times a year

On specific dates 3 times a year, the assessment team reviews the applications that have come in.

Assessment criteria

  1. The assessment team chooses the businesses based on specific assessment criteria:
  2. Is your business plan clear and simple?
  3. What is your competitive advantage? Which market are you targeting?
  4. Can your executive team achieve your target?
  5. Is there room for scalability of your operations? Have you carried out a SWOT analysis?

The Steering Committee approves the choices of the assessment team.

egg Acceleration pitching day

If you qualify, you’ll get the chance to pitch your idea on the egg Acceleration pitching day. The event runs for 1 day.

90-minute pitch

You have 90 minutes to pitch your idea and product.

The presentation is before a 7-member Committee:

You are asked questions and explain the needs and feasibility of getting your company included in the Scale Up platform.


You give an interview about your expectations from the Scale Up platform to 2 members of the Steering Committee.

Final selection of companies

We choose up to 15 businesses a year for the Scale Up platform. The final selection is based on their score from the pitch and the interview to the Steering Committee.


We rate your business for:

  1. The excellence and competitive advantage of its product.
  2. The adequacy of its executive team.
  3. The size of the market.
  4. Its scalability potential.
  5. Its investability prospects.
  6. The relevance of its product to the strategy of egg.

Announcement of results

On the following day we inform you whether you’ve been included in the egg Scale Up platform or not.