We rate your innovation and business plan. We want to see how you support your idea and how determined your startup is to put it into action.

Find out the criteria based on which startups qualify to the next stage:

Your application

We check whether your application meets the main conditions. Have you filled in all the details? Are all your startup members eligible to enter?

We disqualify applications which are not completed corrected or are incomplete.

To make sure this doesn’t happen to you, find out all about:

Once we have checked all applications, we inform you about qualifying to the next phase or not.

Your business plan

Two experienced assessors study separately the business plan you submitted along with your application. They rate it based on transparent criteria.

Your score is based on 3 criteria:

Is your idea innovative?

Does it meet an essential need? Does it offer an opportunity to a satisfactory segment of the market in Greece or abroad?

Have you researched your competition? Have you documented your competitive advantage?

Can you and your team put it into action?

Do you have the required knowledge and skills? Do you complement each other? Have you found solutions for the things your team can’t do?

Is your plan for the initial period doable?

Have you planned your actions for the first 12 months to render your product or service available? Will you manage to implement your business plan and make it worthwhile?

We inform you by email on qualifying to the next stage or not.

Find out how to prepare your business plan and how your score is calculated.

Your pitch

You pitch your business plan. You have 5 minutes to convince us of its advantages.


You pitch your idea to the assessors and other startups that have applied. There is no Q&A session afterwards.

Assessment criteria

To stand out, you need to describe the most competitive advantages of your idea, as if you are trying to attract investors:

  • How innovative is your idea?
  • Is it easy to put it into action?
  • What skills does your team bring and how dedicated are you?

We inform you by email on qualifying to the next stage or not.

Find out all about how your business plan is scored.


If you qualify, we propose ways to improve your business plan pitch.

Based on our comments, you prepare for the next phase.

Your interview

We invite your startup for an interview. You have 10 minutes to pitch your business plan to the assessors.
The assessors carefully listen to you and ask you questions. They discuss the key points of your business plan with you.

If you qualify, your training starts right away at the Bootcamp.

Start off with a bang!

Find out all about how your business plan is scored.

How is the assessment performed? How is the assessment performed?